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Simms Family 

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Originating in the districts of Retirement/Watt Town in the Parish of St. Ann during the 1800's, the Simms family has fostered a rich and extensive history of family spanning more than 4 generations.  It is the pursuit of knowledge of this legacy that we have created this family website. 


While we are proud of our continued oral tradition in honoring those who came before us, we also wish to honor all those who currently seek to know more about who we are as a family and the individuals that make this family diverse and dynamic. 


We offer this site as a vehicle to uplifting our members, engaging in direct and real time exchange of information, and a growing hub for our continued efforts to enrich each other's lives.  Your participation and contribution to the efforts of this site are welcomed and eagerly encouraged as we endeavor to move our family history into a modern and technologically advanced era to serve as a resource to future generations.

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